More recent demos of the Rainmaker and Shapeshifter module can be found on Soundcloud at:
Some music made by the creator of the Rainmaker, Shapeshifter, and Cyclebox modules - Jim Clark - can also be found on Soundcloud at:
Demo of the multi modes on the Shapeshifter.
Demo of the multi modes on the Shapeshifter.
Demo of the Shapeshifter vocoder.
Multitracked song, "Are Friends Electric?", demonstrating the Shapeshifter chord (unison) mode.
Multitracked song, "Waltz for Debbie", played on the Shapeshifter.
Mode 1111: Oscillator 1 initially set to sine and oscillator 2 set to saw. (note: this mode is only available on
the version II cyclebox)
Mode 0011: Oscillator 1 set to triangle and oscillator 2 set to sine. MEGA mode on, and the GAIN and IFM controls are adjusted.
Mode 0000: Demonstration of the percussive mode (available only with an expansion connector) for an FM sine.
Mode 0000: Raw Switching through the 8 wavetable waveforms of oscillator 1.
Mode 0000: Hex-saw rave sound (to get a similar sound on version II turn on MEGA mode and select the SAW waveform).
Mode 0000: Hex-square playing the solo from Lucky Man (to get a similar sound on version II turn on MEGA mode and select the SQUARE waveform).
Mode 0000: Raw Sine on sine FM with varying iFM level, switching between different RATIO values.
Mode 0000: Raw Varying the GAIN control on an oscillator 1 sinewave.
Mode 0000: Raw Hex-square waveform being synced by pulses from a Malekko Noisering. The hex-square detuning is being varied (to get a similar sound on version II turn on MEGA mode and select the SQUARE waveform).
Mode 0000: Raw Hex-square waveform being synced to a Livewire AFG oscillator. The AFG pitch and the hex-square detuning is being varied (to get a similar sound on version II turn on MEGA mode and select the SQUARE waveform).
Mode 0000: Raw Hex-square waveform being synced to a Livewire AFG oscillator. The AFG pitch and the hex-square detuning is being varied, as well as the IFM level. Oscillator 2's waveform is set to sine (to get a similar sound on version II turn on MEGA mode and select the SQUARE waveform).
Mode 0001: switching through the 8 basic waveforms of oscillator 2.
Mode 0001: Sine waveform on oscillator 2 with self-phase modulation by connecting the output of the VCA back
to the PH2 input, and setting the PH2 and iFM controls to about 10 o'clock. This creates an
acoustic bass sound.
Mode 0010: Raw Sine waveforms on oscillator 1 and 2 and varying iFM and PH2 controls.
Mode 0011: Raw Hex-saw waveform on
oscillator 1 and Saw waveform on oscillator 2. The iFM control is being varied.
Mode 0100: Raw Saw-sweep wavetable waveform on
oscillator 1 and Sinepulse1 waveform on oscillator 2. The PH2 control is varying, sweeping the
wavetable filtered sawtooth.
Mode 0101: Raw Oscillator 1 set to triangle and oscillator 2 set to sine. iFM and PH2 set to give a noisy, chaotic output. The pitch is stepping in octave jumps.
Mode 0101: Oscillator 1 set to table random pulses and oscillator 2 set to square. The LAG output is being fed into the PITCH input of a 2nd cyclebox set to mode 0010 with osc 1 and 2 set to sinewave and the LEAD output gates the envelope. The output of the VCA is passed through a reverb.
Mode 0101: Raw Oscillator 1 set to triangle and oscillator 2 set to sine. The LAG output is being fed into the PITCH input of a 2nd cyclebox set to mode 0000 playing the vowels waveform from the wavetable.
Mode 0101: Raw Another example of one cyclebox driving a second. Oscillator 1 set to triangle and oscillator 2 set to sine. The LAG output is being fed into the PITCH input of a 2nd cyclebox set to mode 0000 playing the vowels waveform from the wavetable.
Mode 0101: RAW Same as the previous two examples, but this time oscillator 1 set to triangle and oscillator 2 set to square. The LAG output is being fed into the PITCH input of a 2nd cyclebox set to mode 0000 playing the vowels waveform from the wavetable.
Mode 0110: RAW Sine on oscillators 1 and 2, with a bit of folding.
Mode 0110: RAW Saw on oscillator 1 and
sinepulse1 on oscillator 2, the GAIN control
is being varied.
Mode 0110: Hex-saw on oscillator 1 and Sine on oscillator 2, with the iFM
control turned up a bit (to get a similar sound on version II turn on MEGA mode and select the SAW waveform).
Mode 0110: Hex-saw on oscillator 1 and Sine on oscillator 2, playing solo from Wakeman's Catherine Parr.
Portamento provided by a Livewire Dual Bissel Generator slew module (to get a similar sound on version II turn on MEGA mode and select the SAW waveform).
Mode 0110: Raw Oscillator 1 is set to the wavetable random pulses and oscillator 2
switches between square and saw waveforms.
Mode 0111: Raw Oscillator 1 set to square-saw and oscillator 2 set to sine (to get a similar sound on version II turn on MEGA mode and select the SAW waveform).
Mode 1000: Raw Oscillators 1 and 2 set to sine. The iFM control is being varied.
Mode 1001: Oscillator 2 switching between various waveforms.
Mode 1010: Setting waveforms to square and playing with the PH2 control, yielding pulse width modulation. Then the waveforms are varied.
1011: XOR of rand pulses (OSC1) and triangle (OSC3) then bit-crushed.
Mode 1101: Raw Oscillator 1 set to
saw and oscillator 2 set to sinepulse1. The PH2 control is being varied.
Mode 1101: Oscillator 1 set to
sine and oscillator 2 is alternating between square and sawtooth. The PH2 control is being varied.
Mode 1101: Oscillator 1 set to
sine and oscillator 2 set to sinepulse1, with a bit of folding and iFM, playing the bassline
from 'I feel love'.
Mode 1110: Raw Oscillator 1 set to triangle and oscillator 2 set to sine.